Tuesday, 12:45pm
2 February 2010
Art for aid
How artists and designers can help the Haiti relief effort with their work

To Haiti with love is a new initiative hoping to raise money to help the situation in Haiti: through digital art sales.
Soon their website will allow people to buy a digital postcard made by an artist for £1. All proceeds will go to Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres).
To Haiti with Love are looking for artists and designers to submit imagery for their appeal. According to their Facebook page, the list of contributors already includes David Shrigley, Milo Reid, Thomas Voorn (top), Alice Cunningham, Theo Morrison, Al Murphy, Adam Whitaker and Alex Trochut.
The organisers are currently developing an app that will let people send their postcard from their phone and donate to the appeal via iTunes. Plans are also afoot for a live auction with twemty artworks - venue and celebrity compere to be confirmed...