Adrian Frutiger

Recent articles about Adrian Frutiger

Design history disciplined

Issue 85, Spring 2013


What kind of discipline is graphic design history? Catherine de Smet provided one answer in…

A Monotype timeline

Issue 84, Autumn 2012


A selected, chronological list of notable events in the long, complex history of Monotype

A life in parallel columns

Issue 71, Spring 2009


Adrian Frutiger (Switzerland, b. 1928) is one of the most important type designers of the…

Electrifying the alphabet

Issue 62, Winter 2006


At the dawn of the computer age, new functions ushered in new forms for type design

Reputations: Adrian Frutiger

Issue 31, Spring 1999


‘I was fortunate. Early in life, I understood that my world was a two-dimensional one. At sixteen I knew that my work would be in black and white.’

The digital wave

Issue 7, Summer 1992


The old manufacturing companies that dominated typeface production have been swallowed and largely pushed to the sidelines. By Robin Kinross

Typography’s new priests

Issue 1, Autumn 1990


‘Type90’ brought several hundred typographically preoccupied people to Oxford this summer. Following the successful pattern…