David Carson

Recent articles about David Carson

Who cares if you read?

Issue 99, Autumn 2019


David Carson is indelibly linked to the notion of the ‘end of print’, encapsulated by…

Beyond the canon

Issue 68, Summer 2008


Introduction to special issue by editor John L. Walters

Googling the design canon

Issue 68, Summer 2008


In the late 1980s, US designer and historian Martha Scotford set out on a mission to discover what might constitute a canon of graphic design …

The endless library at the end of print

Issue 27, Spring 1998


Does the current avalanche of glossy books constitute a genuine design history – or mere graphic ephemera? By Teal Triggs

Surface wreckage

Issue 34, Winter 1999


Three books showing accidental collages of torn posters an other random marks revive interest in a style of image-making drawn from the city streets

Read me! Part 1. Literacy in graphic design

Issue 37, Autumn 2000


Graphic designers are responsible for the communication of ideas through words, signs and pictures. Yet experimentation and new aesthetics cannot emerge without a thorough understanding of reading and writing: if we accept that language is important, we must be prepared to protect it

The (layered) vision thing

Issue 8, Autumn 1992


If it has dotted lines, an arrow or two and it’s impossible to read, then it must be ‘postmodern’. Are we using the theory the way it was intended?

Mondo magazines

Issue 4, Summer 1991


Some of the sharpest and most influential graphic design ideas come from the new magazines. Eye thumbs the pages of the international press and takes a close look at three of the most consistently creative titles: i-D, Interview, and Beach Culture