Ed Fella

Recent articles about Ed Fella

Enter by the exit level

Issue 103, Summer 2022


The latest instalment in Unit Editions’ ongoing series of designer monographs, Ed Fella: A Life in…

Instant object of desire


A Polaroid photo’s aura of ephemeral uniqueness lies in its small white frame and supercharged surface. Photo Critique by Rick Poynor


Issue 23, Winter 1996


For thirty years Edward Fella was a commercial artist. In his sketchbooks, he applies his mastery of lettering and illustration styles to brilliant improvisations

The designer as author

Issue 20, Spring 1996


Graphic authorship is taken for granted by many design theorists and it is gaining ground within practice, too. But the idea has received little sustained examination. What does it mean and what is really possible?

Cult of the ugly

Issue 9, Summer 1993


Designers used to stand for beauty and order. Now beauty is passé and ugliness is smart. How did we get here and is there any way out?

Recent blog posts about Ed Fella

Graphic design live #11

11 April 2023
Graphic design, Visual culture, Events and exhibitions

Félix Beltrán in Madrid; contemporary book design from China in Berlin; female design in Mexico; and Emigre and Fuse typefaces in New York
Here is a selection of current and upcoming events that piqued the interest of our editorial…

Classic Collections – Back to the 90s

11 February 2016
Design history, Graphic design, New media, Technology, Typography, Visual culture

Surf back down the information superhighway to a time when the World Wide Web was thrillingly new – with Eye nos. 14, 16, 23 & 25
Most early editions of Eye magazine are out of print. However a handful from the…