Nigel Grierson

Recent articles about Nigel Grierson

Heavy rotation

Issue 104, Spring 2023


From 1977-92, the Album Cover Albums presented a broad spectrum of record sleeve art, unintentionally raising questions about the way graphic design for popular culture is experienced, interpreted and preserved. By Christopher Wilson [EXTRACT]

The haunted shore


Images of spectral sea-bathers haunt the light-filled pages of Nigel Grierson’s self-published photobook. Photo Critique by Rick Poynor

Waste not

Issue 98, Spring 2019


For many years Vaughan Oliver was the in-house designer for the 4AD record label, creating…

23 Envelope: ambience and inner space

Issue 37, Autumn 2000


Operating undercover, using the enigmatic title of 23 Envelope, Nigel Grierson and his partner Vaughan Oliver created designs of exceptional power. Their work inspired the next generation of image-makers. By Rick Poynor