Stanley Donwood

Recent articles about Stanley Donwood

Food dye chromatography

Issue 57, Autumn 2005


Stanley Donwood’s artwork for Matthew Herbert’s polemical album finds colour in chemistry

Recent blog posts about Stanley Donwood

Noted #84

18 October 2017
Graphic design, Illustration, Typography, Visual culture

Tom Gauld’s literary bake-off, typography with balls, hot-metal Double Dagger 2, the smell of London and The Simoncini Method
Here are a few things that caught our attention in recent weeks. Baking With Kafka…

Felt-tip fundamentals

25 July 2017
Book design, Design education, Graphic design, Reviews, Technology, Visual culture

Ink soaks into paper as Daniel Eatock’s mark-making processes result in a riot of colour
Designer and artist Daniel Eatock has a good-natured but unswerving way of reducing things to…