14 results
Giancarlo Ilipriandi (1925-2016)
A recent interview with the distinguished and prolific Milan designer, who died on 15 September 2016 at the age of 91.
In the summer of 2015, Giancarlo Iliprandi came to London for the Fedrigoni-initiated exhibition Made…
(Typographic) Noted #82
Emigre specimens, Sunday Clarendon, Sinem Erkas, drawing type, from sketch to screen and Fontsmith’s TypeNotes
Here are a few type and lettering things – books, magazines, alphabets – that caught…
Every Eye ever
A display of every edition of Eye from 1 to 100 turned magCulture into a surreal cross between gallery and newsagent, complete with masked customers. Art director Simon Esterson reports
On Thursday 18 June 2020, Jeremy Leslie was keen to celebrate customers being able to…
94: 8000 one-offs
Watch the award-winning short film about Eye 94
You can now watch 94: 8000 one-offs, the award-winning, fifteen-minute film about Eye 94 on Vimeo