Blog: Book design

17 June 2018

Bawden galore

Bawden galore

This summer sees a host of opportunities to enjoy the work of Edward Bawden, with exhibitions in Dulwich, Saffron Walden and Morley College, new publications and an Eye event on Fri 13 July
Admirers of Edward Bawden (1903-1989) will have a heyday this summer, with an assortment of…

29 March 2018

Books received #32

Books received #32

The Undiscovered Island, Christoph Niemann’s postcards, Water Salad on Monday and Daniel Buren: Underground
Here is a selection of books that caught our attention in recent weeks and months…

28 February 2018

Words and the natural world

Words and the natural world

The Lost Words, an enchanting book and exhibition by Macfarlane and Morris, celebrates entries (including ‘ivy’ and ‘conker’) that were dropped from the Oxford Junior Dictionary
Every now and again there is a publishing phenomenon – a book that stirs the…

9 February 2018

Photographs as catalysts

Photographs as catalysts

Teju Cole’s photobook Blind Spot deals with the loss and recovery of sight … in pictures and words. Review by Colin Davies
Teju Cole is a photographer, art historian and writer who contributes a regular column to…

5 February 2018

The inescapable weirdness of the West

The inescapable weirdness of the West

It is not until the very end of Calls Will Be Recorded For Training And…

15 January 2018

Books received #31

Books received #31

Fili in Barcelona, the colours of Pawson, Bierut’s essays, dissent and the Resistance, and Alice Hawkins’ highly personal adventures
Here is yet another selection of books that caught our attention in recent weeks and…

9 January 2018

In-house hero

In-house hero

The second act of all-American graphic Renaissance man Chip Kidd
Chip Kidd Book Two. Work: 2007-2017 (Rizzoli $60, £45, designed by Mark Melnick) is a…

20 December 2017

Lincoln in the limelight

Lincoln in the limelight

Robert Hanks takes a final look at the cover designs for The Man Booker 2017 shortlist and the winner – George Saunders’ Lincoln in the Bardo
Book design can be an unlovely process – a set of negotiations to find something…

6 November 2017

Books received #30

Books received #30

This Is Me, Full Stop., Jonny Hannah, Hi-Fi Living, Sardon’s Stampography and drawings of UFOs
Here is yet another selection of books that caught our attention in recent weeks and…

14 October 2017

And then there were six …

And then there were six …

The winner of the Man Booker Prize 2017 will be announced on 17 October. Robert Hanks talks to the designers whose covers wrap round the six shortlisted contenders
In ‘The look of literature’ I wrote about the thirteen covers on this year’s Man…
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