Blog: Graphic design

9 January 2014

Colours of Soviet film posters

Colours of Soviet film posters

Elena Sudakova and Lutz Becker curate Soviet silent film posters from the 1920s and 30s, on display at London’s GRAD gallery from 17 January
GRAD Gallery for Russian Arts and Design, in collaboration with online poster gallery AntikBar, is…

24 December 2013

Autograph monograph

Autograph monograph

A new book shows Marian Bantjes’ deep personal engagement with her work. Review of Pretty Pictures by Mark Porter.
Pretty Pictures covers the astonishing body of work Marian Bantjes produced over nine years after…

13 December 2013

Noted #56

Noted #56

An Advent Adventure, Fedrigoni, the Dutch Type Library and MoetMoet Letterpress, Typodarium, and Studio Hinrichs’ typography calendar
Here are a few festive calendars that piqued our interest this week. Bob Design makes…

6 December 2013

On the water, off the wall

On the water, off the wall

Lawrence Weiner’s typographic and gestural drawings fill the lower gallery of Amsterdam’s Stedelijk Museum
‘Written on the Wind’ (Op de Wind Geschreven) is an exhibition at Amsterdam’s Stedelijk Museum…

4 December 2013

Type Tuesday – 10 December 2013

Type Tuesday – 10 December 2013

Archive night with Lucienne Roberts, Rathna Ramanathan, Fraser Muggeridge, Gerry Leonidas, Ken Garland, Simon Esterson and Martin Andrews
Next week we’ll be hosting another Type Tuesday event at St Bride Library in London…

2 December 2013

Books received #5

Books received #5

Alphabet postcards, type geeks as ‘birders’, post-digital letterpress, understanding type basics and calligraphy
Here is a brief look at some type-oriented titles that recently arrived at Eye’s Shoreditch…

28 November 2013

A century of lick and stick

A century of lick and stick

Michael Russem’s Postage Stamps By AIGA Medalists features graphic design in miniature from 1909-2007
Michael Russem’s book Postage Stamps by AIGA Medalists, showcases almost every known stamp designed by…

18 November 2013

Design city in a hurry

Design city in a hurry

Singapore’s graphic design story matches the city-state’s dramatic narrative, but this breathless overview leaves little time for reflection
In the introduction to Independence: The History of Graphic Design in Singpore since the 1990s…

12 November 2013

Insanely integrated, day one

Insanely integrated, day one

Despite its vague theme of ‘The fluidity in-between …’, the Integrated2013 conference in Antwerp was sharp and entertaining
The biannual Integrated conference organised by Hugo Puttaert, can seem bewilderingly complex at first glance…

1 November 2013

Books received #4

Books received #4

Biografiktion, Graffiti School, Travellers’ children, Tretchikoff, Soho divas and Xerography
Biografiktion (Nobrow Press, £18.99, $29.00) is a book of fictional stories about celebrities, set in…
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