Blog: Graphic design

4 June 2011

Critique commentary

Critique commentary

rick poynor

Rick Poynor selects DVD covers from the Criterion Collection’s film list.
In ‘Commitment to content’, my latest Web-only Critique, I have written about the design of…

2 June 2011

Dot dot rock

Dot dot rock

zoë street howe

Zoë Street Howe on the black art of ‘heavy metal umlauts’
‘Metal umlauts’ echo the ‘devil horn’ rock salute, carry a menacing whiff of Gothic mystery…

1 June 2011

The timelessness of craft

The timelessness of craft

john warwicker

Karel Martens and OASE on show at the Narrows in Melbourne
As founder of Werkplaats Typografie, the two-year masters programme at ArtEZ Institute of the Arts…

31 May 2011

Type Tuesday

Type Tuesday

type tuesday

Back with a flourish #2. Christian Schwartz on swashes & ornamentation
Interest in swash characters has been rekindled by a growing acceptance from type designers and…

27 May 2011

Brands, treacle and chaps with apps

Brands, treacle and chaps with apps

camilla grey

‘The future of design’? Wednesday’s event at Wieden + Kennedy.
Last Wednesday night Wieden + Kennedy (and new director of design Ben Terrett) hosted a…

26 May 2011

The Word on the street

The Word on the street

andrew robertson

OMG: R2’s typographic gallery wall in Lisbon was a scriptural Knockout
There was a time when most art was made for the glory of God, when…

24 May 2011

Type Tuesday

Type Tuesday

type tuesday

Faith in asymmetry. John D. Berry on Jan Tschichold and Active Literature
What makes Jan Tschichold so interesting is not his theories but his practice. None of…

22 May 2011

World’s greatest sign?

World’s greatest sign?

mike kippenhan

Stockton’s Sno-White dwarfs the opposition, says Mike Kippenhan
Declaring one singular sign the ‘Greatest in the World’ is as recklessly bold as it…

20 May 2011

Design and disaster

Design and disaster

colin davies

Colin Davies on 2:46 Aftershocks, a response to the earthquakes in Japan
‘All my Tokyos feel imaginary,’ opens William Gibson’s contribution to 2:46 Aftershocks: Stories from the…

19 May 2011

Ramble on

Ramble on

john ridpath

Greece’s Design Walk returns with a lecture by Onlab in Athens
Last year’s Design Walk in Athens raised some thorny issues for Greek designers, writes John…
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