Blog: Information design

16 June 2011

Letter to Jane

Letter to Jane

alan baines

Graphic Design course director Alan Baines writes to the CSM bosses.
The student protests at University of the Arts, Central Saint Martins (CSM) have highlighted problems…

9 June 2011

Bliss in that evening to be alive

Bliss in that evening to be alive

lucienne roberts, rebecca wright

The founders of GraphicDesign& describe their inaugural event.
It’s strange that graphic designers rarely seem to talk about one of the most interesting…

22 May 2011

World’s greatest sign?

World’s greatest sign?

mike kippenhan

Stockton’s Sno-White dwarfs the opposition, says Mike Kippenhan
Declaring one singular sign the ‘Greatest in the World’ is as recklessly bold as it…

13 May 2011

Life / work / dog balance

Life / work / dog balance

eye editors

An Eye video interview with Morag Myerscough… and Lemmy
The latest issue of Eye profiles Morag Myerscough in the feature ‘In the thick of…

5 May 2011

A right royal show

A right royal show

liz farrelly

Middle England and middle managers under a steaming pile of Modern Cloth
How often do you walk round an exhibition laughing out loud, asks Liz Farrelly? Not…

14 April 2011

Mapping it up

Mapping it up

alexander ecob

Embrace the inner cartographer of artists and graphic designers
I’ve yet to meet a designer who doesn’t harbour a fondness for maps, writes Alexander…

31 March 2011

Fresh garbage

Fresh garbage

archive, homepage, medicine, science

‘Matter out of place’ and filthy reality at the Wellcome’s new show
The Wellcome Collection’s new show is all about ‘Dirt: The filthy reality of everyday life’…

4 March 2011

Context is king

Context is king

alexander ecob

Life-logging could be a treasure trove for information designers
Hardly a week goes by without a new story of someone’s personal data being left…

21 February 2011

God’s eye view

God’s eye view

anne burdick

Anne Burdick navigates the hippy aesthetics of The Universal Traveler
Great moments in information design (continued). I was cleaning out my father’s studio library when…

14 February 2011

Billion-dollar brainteaser

Billion-dollar brainteaser

gill ross

Gill Ross on David McCandless’s ‘beautiful’ Billion-Dollar-O-Gram
Great moments in information design (continued). We have so much access to information now, writes…
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