Blog: Posters

6 June 2011

Gill sans Eric

Gill sans Eric

alexander ecob

Brighton show will put MacDonald ‘Max’ Gill back on the map.
One could be forgiven for not knowing that Eric Gill had a brother. MacDonald ‘Max’…

4 June 2011

Critique commentary

Critique commentary

rick poynor

Rick Poynor selects DVD covers from the Criterion Collection’s film list.
In ‘Commitment to content’, my latest Web-only Critique, I have written about the design of…

17 May 2011

Political photomontage

Political photomontage

noel douglas

Noel Douglas on Peter Kennard’s ‘At Earth’ at Raven Row – last few days
Peter Kennard’s ‘At Earth’ show at Raven Row Gallery is a sibling to his new…

5 May 2011

A right royal show

A right royal show

liz farrelly

Middle England and middle managers under a steaming pile of Modern Cloth
How often do you walk round an exhibition laughing out loud, asks Liz Farrelly? Not…

28 April 2011

4-colour protest.

4-colour protest.

alexander ecob

Proposed print-room relocation provokes a graphic reaction at CSM
‘93 Days to go!’ proclaims the home page of Central Saint Martins College of Art…

23 April 2011

The printer’s tale

The printer’s tale

john ridpath

Old (and new) responses to Shakespeare by RCA printmakers
What with the Royal Wedding, the Queen’s (actual) birthday, Easter, St. George’s Day, and Mayday…

20 April 2011

Dark tools of desire

Dark tools of desire

rick poynor

Surrealism’s relationship with graphic design is still strangely unfulfilled
Surrealism is often described as the most influential of all twentieth-century art movements, writes Rick…

14 April 2011

Mapping it up

Mapping it up

alexander ecob

Embrace the inner cartographer of artists and graphic designers
I’ve yet to meet a designer who doesn’t harbour a fondness for maps, writes Alexander…

13 April 2011

Out of space

Out of space

john ridpath, the events department

Charting the pervasive visual language of science fiction
A forthcoming exhibition about science fiction at the British Library will be full of amazing…

11 April 2011

Power of the ruling pen

Power of the ruling pen

eye editors

David Gentleman’s graphic poster campaign for Stop the War
Placards have always been a powerful visual medium for demonstration and protest. A team from…
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