19 January 2010

Berlin snapshots: Apfel Zet

Berlin snapshots: Apfel Zet

berlin snapshots, jan middendorp, john ridpath

‘We find new stimuli on our wanderings through the city’
Next up in our ‘Berlin snapshots’ series is Apfel Zet, a design studio who pride…

18 January 2010

Signs of the moment

Signs of the moment

Graphics and interaction in the Brit Insurance Design Awards shortlist
The Design Museum has just announced the shortlist for the Brit Insurance Design Awards for this…

17 January 2010

Critique: All mouth and trousers?

Critique: All mouth and trousers?

rick poynor

London designers show how little they care for the poster form
A few months ago, writes Rick Poynor, I was asked by the Design Museum to…

15 January 2010



Vehicles, vegetables and vikings in this Friday’s Crap Book extravaganza
A visual variety show from Mr Edwards in this week’s spread. Read more about Mr Edwards…

13 January 2010

Where eagles dare

Where eagles dare

john ridpath

Büro Uebele rethinks the German Federal symbol for the Bundestag
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, writes John Ridpath. When Stuttgart–based studio Büro Uebele…

12 January 2010

Berlin snapshots: eBoy

Berlin snapshots: eBoy

berlin snapshots, john ridpath

‘I could work anywhere. But I love Berlin as a place, and still feel at home’
Pixel art/design studio eBoy are next up in our series of ‘Berlin snapshots’ - see…

11 January 2010

On the shores of the Bosphorus

On the shores of the Bosphorus

gulizar cepoglu

East meets West at International Istanbul Graphic Design Week
Grafist, International Istanbul Graphic Design Week, has been taking place since 1997, writes Gülizar Çepoğlu…

8 January 2010

Tools: old friends, new friends

Tools: old friends, new friends

the tools department

Jon Burgerman’s working methods, from felt-tips to tablets
For the first of our new, regular ‘Tools’ posts, Eye talked to illustrator Jon Burgerman…

8 January 2010

‘U’ turn

‘U’ turn

Tireless as ever, Mr E goes undercover with another Crap Book special
Mr Edwards celebrates Friday with umbrellas, underwear and an ugly face (or two). Another letter from…

6 January 2010

Berlin snapshots: Angela Lorenz

Berlin snapshots: Angela Lorenz

berlin snapshots, john ridpath

‘East Berlin has been sold. It has lost its appeal … now it’s like any other city.’
Not everyone sees Berlin through rose-tinted (designer) glasses. Continuing our series of ‘Berlin snapshots’, Eye…