1 May 2012

Modern games

Modern games

alex cameron

Josef Hartwig’s 1922 chess set design advances a ‘Bauhaus reality’ check
Form follows function. The oft-quoted, much misunderstood dictum associated with the Bauhaus finds few better expressions…

1 May 2012

Type Tuesday: Text, pixel, pen and fen

Type Tuesday: Text, pixel, pen and fen

alex cameron

Tankard’s new type family Fenland questions the ‘calligraphic metaphor’
The launch party for Jeremy Tankard’s new type family Fenland, at London’s Kemistry Gallery, was packed…

27 April 2012

Clicks and sparks

Clicks and sparks

john l. walters

data.anatomy – Ryoji Ikeda’s new audiovisual installation in Berlin
Ryoji Ikeda’s work quivers somewhere between electronic music, digital art, installation and performance, writes John…

24 April 2012

Signature typeface

Signature typeface

the type department

Gill Sans test proofs and original drawings from the Monotype archive
Here are some more examples of Eric Gill’s sketches for the Gill Sans family, courtesy of…

24 April 2012

#FontSunday … on #TypeTuesday

#FontSunday … on #TypeTuesday

John Moore Williams

The Design Museum’s Twitter contest has type geeks living for the weekend
Ah, Sunday. Day of sleeping in late, padding around the house in your jammies, and…

23 April 2012

Type Tuesday. Look this way

Type Tuesday. Look this way

the type department, type tuesday

‘Beauty in the making’ mixes paper, printing and a famous typeface
‘Beauty in the Making’ is a five-day show (ending Friday 27 April 2012), held in a…

22 April 2012

Noted #35

Noted #35


Tattoos in Berlin, swimming posters, Japanese layout & the Caseroom Press
Here are a few links to articles, sites and forthcoming shows that caught our attention…

19 April 2012

Blue notebook

Blue notebook

john l. walters

David Wild’s Jazzpaths is a personal and poetic ‘photomemento’
David Wild’s Jazzpaths is labelled a ‘photomemento’. It is a carefully printed hardback collection of mid-1960s…

18 April 2012

Off the map

Off the map

john ridpath

It may be a masterpiece but Google Maps is losing ground to its rivals
The graphic thought behind Google Maps is fascinating, and for most internet users it ranks alongside…

17 April 2012

Type Tuesday: Set in stone

Type Tuesday: Set in stone

eric gillett

More boulder alphabets and love notes from Utah’s Great Basin desert
As mountain snows melt with the coming of spring, the desert begins to swallow the ephemeral…
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