Wednesday, 7:30am
11 September 2024

All the fun of the Conclave

A heady mix of design talent is due to swamp the St Bride Foundation stage on Saturday 28 September in ‘Outside the Lines’

‘Outside the Lines’, the St Bride Foundation Design Conclave 2024 takes place on Saturday 28 September. Ticket prices are from £60-80 (in-person) and £35-50 (online), and The Wynkyn de Worde Society Charitable Trust is sponsoring students and creatives from under-represented groups to attend this event.

Eye magazine will be there, with a stall selling back issues, as will Joe Pearson of Design for Today, who will be launching Meet the Typographer, a remarkable illustrated book by Gaby Bazin.

Cover of Meet the Typographer (Design for Today, 2024) by Gaby Bazin.
Top: detail from limited-edition Jerusalem print by Seb Lester, 2017.

Conclave poster designed by legendary book designer Jon Gray.

SBF Conclave

The theme ‘Outside the Lines’ was inspired by designer / educator Sallyanne Theodosiou, prompting the St Bride team to invite an array of nine designers, illustrators and visual communicators who (metaphorically) ‘colour outside the lines’. The day will end with a presentation from the redoubtable longstanding friend of Eye (and editorial board member) Malcolm Garrett (see Reputations in Eye no. 12).

The morning session features multifaceted designers Micaela Alcaino, Charlotte Bartrop and Kate Dawkins.

Micaela Alcaino’s book cover design and illustration for The Silence Factory, 2024.

Act for Early Years campaign billboard, project managed by Charlotte Bartrop at Saboteur Studio, 2024.

Projection mapping by Kate Dawkins for Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo, 2023.

The afternoon session kicks off with illustrator Aoife Dooley, followed by Kelli Anderson and Seb Lester.

Four-panel illustration by Aoife Dooley from her graphic novel Frankie’s World, 2022.

The intricately constructed cover of Kelli Anderson’s The Human Body App, 2017.

Limited-edition Jerusalem print by Seb Lester, 2017.

After the afternoon break ‘Outside the Lines’ will conclude with Tudinh Duong, Danielle Duncan and Malcolm Garrett.

The Kingdom of Bhutan digital experience, created by Tudinh Duong and Made by ON, 2022.

A Thrill of Hope edible QR code, 2022 by Danielle Duncan.

Love You More record sleeve designed by Malcolm Garrett for Buzzcocks, 1978.

‘Outside the Lines’ concludes with a party that runs from 6:15 until 9pm. Eye magazine will be there, minding our stall and always eager to recruit new subscribers. Last year’s conference was a blast, and we expect this year’s Conclave to be equally stimulating, educative and fun.

Eye is the world’s most beautiful and collectable graphic design journal, published for professional designers, students and anyone interested in critical, informed writing about graphic design and visual culture. It is available from all good design bookshops and online at the Eye shop, where you can buy subscriptions and single issues.