Opinion: Editorial
Not waving but dancing
British graphic design, like art, pop and fashion, is on a high. But does it know where it is going – or why?
Learning to read and write images
Merging more and more with a 'metadisciplinary' visual culture, the role of graphic design is changing…
The oldness of new
Does graphic design need redefinition? Maybe, but the profession's rich visual tradition should not be discarded…
A rhetoric of images
To acquire the status of serious conveyors of ideas, images still have to overcome a 'class…
Sampling the modern inheritance
Critiques of Modernism often fail to acknowledge the movement’s marrying of poetry to structure
Trial and error
If designers want the audience to interact, then designing is transformed into making the problem-solving playable.
Push & pull
Graphic design and advertising are two of the great driving forces in today's visual culture.