Eye 63 Contents
Editorial by John L. Walters. 01. Visual contents 02. Critique. Photography. Out of the ordinary. Banal…
Editorial Eye 63
Whenever people ask how to get their work into Eye, I’m reminded of the ancient joke…
Cognitive dissonance (Web only)
Martin Firrell’s work for Curzon Cinemas places public art in a commercial space
Agenda: Artspeak
How did ‘Art bollocks’ become the default way of writing about visual culture? Could Mao have the answer?
No animals or models were harmed…
Vogue’s fusion of high fashion with brutish behaviour besmirches readers by making abusive images acceptable. Critique by Rick Poynor
Design is not a solution
A piece of design is the expression of an idea. It’s not a solution
Editorial Eye 62
My battered Collins dictionary lists nineteen meanings for the word ‘character’, noting that it comes from…
Brand madness
Control too much and it will appear we have something to hide