Feature: Visual culture
Another frame for the news
The redesign of RTL Nieuws makes a radical break with the conventions of television news graphics, crossing the now fluid boundaries between broadcast and online.
Digital archeologist Jim Boulton explores the creative history of computer technology
Labelled with love
The new craft beers come in bottles, ideal for trendy bars and hipsters who want to display what they’re drinking. By Paul Keers
Process and poetry
Stranger & Stranger and Fernando Gutiérrez tell Paul Keers about the ways in which bottles and labels communicate the intangible (and occasionally imaginary) character of wine and spirits
Comic cuts
Andreu Balius collects Spanish meat papers, which are typically covered in graphic images of animals who often relish their tragic end under the butcher’s knife
Design that disappears: the blackboard at St John
Asked to nominate a favourite item of information design, illustrator Paul Davis had no hesitation in naming the bar menu blackboard at St John restaurant in Clerkenwell, with its ‘nose-to-tail’ philosophy of serving authentic food
Picture: Killa
Each of Graham MacIndoe’s drug ‘baggies’ brands a different high
Vapour trails
Steampunk’s florid industrial nostalgia might yet be the defining aesthetic of our time
Painted thrills and spills
Fred Fowle was the UK’s foremost fairground artist. His go-faster graphics and futuristic lettering live on – in museums and working steam fairs
Miss Fixit
Tina Roth Eisenberg never had a business plan. But all the things she dreams up – the Swissmiss blog, ‘creative mornings’, stick-on tattoos – pay off. By Steven Heller