

That’s art direction

Simon Esterson

Words and pictures – and the way they are used to tell a story – lie at the heart of every magazine, big or small

Reading Habits

John O'Reilly

‘Good’ editorial design has no place in The Guardian’s print-your-own A4 G24, but readers love its ‘robotic’ vernacular

Tools to make or break

David Womack

By cracking open commercial software, a new breed of graphic designer is redefining type and image at code level

A sign that eats itself

Mike Kippenhan

Cartoon-like characters in logos and on signage are ubiquitous in South Korea
Reputations: David Gentleman

Reputations: David Gentleman

John L. Walters

‘I did absolutely anything that came my way, which I’ve done throughout my life. But what I know about design, as opposed to wood engravings or illustrating, I learned from stamps – my interest in refining an idea down to an absolute minimum.’
Pin point

Pin point

Jack Schulze

Jack Schulze praises the ‘US space programme’ of mapping
Art and art direction – Thomas Lenthal

Art and art direction – Thomas Lenthal

Véronique Vienne

Thomas Lenthal, creative director for luxury fashion brands and his own magazine Paradis.
Power of two

Power of two

John L. Walters

Clients who hire the company behind Five’s new identity always work directly with the main men
Woman at the edge of technology

Woman at the edge of technology

Elizabeth Resnick

Jacqueline Casey’s posters used wit, invention and the grid to reach the essence of each subject.

Interaction and multimedia

Malcolm Garrett

Anticipating new interfaces in the age of the iPhone: an open-ended conversation with design guru Bill Moggridge.