

Garage band

Luke Pendrell

The hand-made work of Le Gun finds expression through parties, installations, a website and a big ’zine

Images over time

Peter Hall

The rich pre-history of motion graphics is filled with inspiration for screen-based image-makers

Back to basics in Basel [extract]

Rupert Bassett

Basel School of Design's First Summer Program was a life-changing experience

Omnivore: Perspective and embellishment

Alice Twemlow

Karen Hsu and Alice Chung of Omnivore use ornament to add meaning to a client brief

Mooren and Van der Velden: Argyle charm

Alice Twemlow

The Dutch design duo see decoration as a way to convey messages that are not direct statements

Denise Gonzales Crisp: The decorational

Alice Twemlow

For Denise Gonzales Crisp, typography has the deepest tradition of the decorative within graphic design

Marian Bantjes: Ornamentality

Alice Twemlow

For Marian Bantjes the most powerful ornament comes out of obsession and long hours of intense labour

Advertising and the globalisation of aspiration

Lynne Ciochetto

Global visual culture is dominated by the values of the industrialised West

Bookshelf photo shop

Karl Baden

Iconic book cover images create a surreal, alternative history of twentieth century photography