

Predictive text

Steve Hare

A short history of the future can only start with a look at yesterday’s latest thing

Baby steps

Khoi Vinh

Designers of new wireless software should take their cue from the medium’s nature to forge its aesthetic

The steamroller of branding

Nick Bell

Art and culture are open to interpretation. Why must we give them fixed identities?

Worlds of moiré

Eric Kindel

Effect, defect, accident or design – moiré has a vital place in printing


David Thompson

Two epic photographic books give human endeavour a new perspective

Gigantic pixels (text in full)

Catherine Slessor

A new arts centre faces Graz with a bulging low-res screen

Common Knowledge

John O'Reilly

Cyberspace's souvenir aesthetics

Abbar: building bridges

Paul Khera

Has Yassar Abbar developed the Arab world’s answer to Univers?

A new kind of story

Steven Heller

An interview with pictorial magazine pioneer Stefan Lorant (1901-97). By Steven Heller