

The aesthetics of transience

Max Bruinsma

With computers as the means for limitless manipulations of signs, designers now exalt subjectivity and impermanence

Pulp artefacts

Fay Sweet

When paper mills target the design business, what should they print?

Truth lies in the surface

Adrian Shaughnessy

You can feel it. The unimpeachable authenticity of uncoated board

Information imagined

Andrew Robertson

H2G2 animations anticipated the look and feel of future computers

Detach, detourne and consume

David Crowley

Alienation sells! The seductive flatness of Situationist aesthetics

Random thoughts

Robin Rimbaud

By dismantling sequential structure in The Unfortunates, B. S. Johnson broke with more conventions than Joyce or Sterne

Return of the picture

Robert Mason

Illustration may be back in fashion, but for the profession to develop, practitioners must explore a more pictorial tradition of image-making

Mail art

Jeremy Hall

In an ambitiuos programme, Roayl Mail has commissioned four dozen illustrations that strive to encapsulate 1000 years of British history

Raised on ideas

Andrew Blauvelt

The answers to the perceived threat of illustration's obsolescence lie in an understanding of the recent past, in education and in re-integration

The architect as illustrator

Catherine Slessor

The uncompromising, gravity-defying constructiond of Zaha Hadid's practice owe their vision and form to reputation built on paper