

Unclassifiable label

Robin Kinross

This swiss company has pioneered inventive solutions to the practical and aesthetic challenges of "branding" a radical programme of recordings

Pop music art

John O'Reilly

Whether technology threatens the death of the album sleeve or signals a new era, there is no lack of spectacle as music design goes supernova

Optimize and dupe

UNA (London) designers

A culture of forgetfulness and suspicion provides the ideal conditions under which our daily routines can be read for signs of weakness

Self 1: Self-expanding

Michael Worthington

When a practice goes live with its own website, the lines between sales pitch, culture, publishing and ads get blurred. But ask a search engine for designers and you end up with branding or blandness. Maybe self-indulgence is the best policy

‘Femicide’ posters

Daoud Sarhandi

300 murders near the Ciudad Juárez sweatshops provoke a graphic ‘shout’

The ABCs of J-FP

Petra Černe Oven

A passion for classic typefaces drives Porchez’s innovative fonts

Land of Logos

Michael Horsham

For Britain’s public institutions, corporate image-building plays a central role in the marketing mix

Type fashion fusion

Julia Thrift

A stylist, a photographer and a typographer celebrate the look and feel of exceptional clothes

Techno-orientalism, digital fetishism

J.J. King

A recent festival of new film-making showed what happens to creativity when designer/directors \'orientalise\' their digital tools

Entranced by motion, seduced by stillness

Michael Worthington

New media is undergoing the kind of definition print went through centuries ago. A meditation on the status of moving and static typography