

The portable art space

Anne Burdick

Designers who collaborate with artists and curators on catalogues must negotiate a complicated web of interests

Reputations: John Maeda

Elizabeth Resnick

‘People can rely on one trick if they use a computer. Once you make that trick, you just press a button and it happens again. It can ruin your brain.’
Sticks in the mind

Sticks in the mind

Véronique Vienne

Does anyone care about posters, or are they just an ego-trip for the designers who still make them?

Reputations: Zuzana Licko

Rhonda Rubinstein

‘It’s not a problem of being a woman in a man’s world. It’s being a type designer in a world that gives little recognition to this art form’
Project for a New Novel

Project for a New Novel

Rick Poynor

J. G. Ballard’s ‘Project for a New Novel’ from the late 1950s makes text obsolete, and the author into the designer

Reputations: Terry Jones

John L. Walters

‘I’m a creative director. I work with photographers. Years ago I said design is a piece of piss. Design is something that shouldn’t be complicated.’

Out of the darkroom and into the light

Sue Steward

Sue Steward considers the speed, the globalisation and the democratisation of digital photography
Paper planet

Paper planet

John L. Walters

Joost Grootens, whose background is in multimedia and architectural design, is reinventing the atlas for the 21st century

Graphic tourism

Jason Grant, Daoud Sarhandi

Shooting, cropping and editing turns the vernacular into glossy publishing.

The designer as architect

Rick Poynor

When Donald Wall made this book about Italian architect Paolo Soleri, he uncannily projected a vision of 1990s typography in its most radical form. By Rick Poynor