

Comics for damned intellectuals

Steven Heller

It is ten years since Françoise Mouly and Art Spiegelman impetuously founded Raw Books and Graphics. Since then, Raw, the couple’s alternative comic strip magazine, has provided an outlet for talented unknowns, given new significance to the term ‘graphic novel’, almost single-handedly reinvented one of America’s most popular indigenous artforms – all on a shoestring budget.

Letters in the city

Robin Kinross

Eye reassesses the legacy of Edward Wright: designer, teacher, artist and “culture-carrier”

Talking pictures

Michael Horsham, Rian Hughes

The comic book speech bubble has evolved into a highly expressive form of vernacular lettering

Way out west

Ethan Edwards

The work of recent Cranbrook graduate Martin Venezky indicates new directions at the accademy

From Bauhaus to font house

Freda Sack, David Quay

Architype is a new series of Modernist typefaces. Is their reissue as simple as it sounds?

If the face fits

John Belknap

Well dressed magazines wear tailor-made fonts. Eye talks to three of the most sought-after names

Propaganda for the pocket

Robin Richmond, Tim Fendley

Czech matchbox labels form a miniature gallery of Czechoslovakian society under communism

Books in freefall

Marco Livingstone

Shinro Ohtake is a master of the artist’s book. His latest is a collaboration with Vaughan Oliver
The rules of typography according to crackpots / experts

The rules of typography according to crackpots / experts

Jeffery Keedy

The director of graphic design at California Institute of the Arts challenges received wisdom and offers some ‘rules’ of his own

Born modern

Steven Heller

Painting is dead, long live the dustjacket. Alvin Lustig brought modern art into American bookshops