The designer as author
Graphic authorship is taken for granted by many design theorists and it is gaining ground within practice, too. But the idea has received little sustained examination. What does it mean and what is really possible?
This signifier is loaded
Zurich designer Cornel Windlin is a fluent graphic stylist and a playful manipulator of communication codes
OZ 16: The Magic Theatre issue
Martin Sharp’s “Magic Theatre” issue of OZ magazine is one of the most extraordinary artefacts of the psychedelic era
23 Envelope: ambience and inner space
Operating undercover, using the enigmatic title of 23 Envelope, Nigel Grierson and his partner Vaughan Oliver created designs of exceptional power. Their work inspired the next generation of image-makers. By Rick Poynor
Reputations: Makoto Saito
Jan Kubasiewicz, Elizabeth Resnick
‘I don’t trust words. You can say anything with words. I prefer a visual means of communication allows the message to be more direct’
Surface wreckage
Three books showing accidental collages of torn posters an other random marks revive interest in a style of image-making drawn from the city streets
Here, there and nowhere
Pictures of non-places, the grubby and eroded gaps between the real spaces of the urban realm, make a spectacle of the unspectacular
Visual prose
A Wealth Of caRefully flaggeD pages, the books collected by Peter Mayer contain a panoply of visual and verbal tricks, conjured by the authors themselves, playing eccentric games with space, structure and meaning, then painstakingly typeset to exPress fLux, sound, extrAvagant imagerY and the passage of time.
Information sculpture
Tomato are a group of friends, a physical space somewhere in Soho, a multimedia workshop, descendents of Warhol’s Factory… anything but a design group. ‘Graphic design?’ they say. ‘We don’t know what it is’
The Dictionary of Visual Language
Philip Thompson and Peter Davenport’s visual analysis of the graphic cliche is a design classic