

Reputations: Matthew Carter

Erik Spiekermann

“Type design had been seen as a brave but arcane business that requires a lifetime’s dedication. I’m happy that notion has gone”

Reputations: Alexander Liberman

Susan Morris

‘I think the term “art director” is the greatest misnomer. There’s no art in magazines unless you are reproducing works of art.’

Reputations: Rudy VanderLans

Julia Thrift

‘The thing we have never done at Emigre is to second guess what the audience would like or be able to comprehend’

Reputations: Roman Cieslewicz

Margo Rouard-Snowman

‘Posters are dying out. They need strong themes, which at present they lack. As a form of communication, they belong to another age’

Adobe unpacks suitcase rival

Brett Wickens

Symantec’s Macintosh font handler, Suitcase, has had a radical overhaul, but so has Adobe Type Manager Deluxe

Angela Lorenz

Adrian Shaughnessy

A Berliner’s work finds parallels between laptop music and design. By Adrian Shaughnessy


Rick Poynor

In a typographic tour de force, Richard Hamilton has turned Duchamp’s notes for the Large Glass into printed form
Day-Glo mind blow

Day-Glo mind blow

Julia Bigham

Psychedelia hit late 1960s London in an explosion of silk-screen colour

Cultural chameleon

Deborah Burnstone

The German publication Shift! takes familiar signs from the world of image consumption and reconfigures them for its own purposes. The changing format, from disk to book to board game, is an essential part of its identity

Design in the age of digital reproduction

William Owen

‘Multimedia’ may well be one of the most overused words of the 1990s. What does it mean for designers, what has been achieved so far and where are we heading?