
Quiet spirit of joy

Quiet spirit of joy

Alan Powers

By championing pattern-making, art and ephemera, the Curwen Press brought a new ‘Comfy Modernism’ to commercial printing


Jan Middendorp

Andrea Tinnes makes type families — functional or ornamental — that quickly acquire a life of their own

Space and rhythm

Jan Middendorp

Type designer Cyrus Highsmith learnt the craft through both study and apprenticeship. By Jan Middendorp

Sense of place

Catherine Dixon, Phil Baines

Three new typefaces for local institutions draw on Sheffield’s cultural and typographic history

Lost worlds

Val Williams

Vernacular photography. Innocence regained? Or just another kind of fiction?

Letter rich Lisbon

Phil Baines, Catherine Dixon

Nicolete Gray’s 1960s snaps inspire a re-examination of the capital’s streetscape

If the image of the text … has more value than its content …

Ewan Lentjes, Wigger Bierma

With visual culture triumphant and content marginalised, how can typography be defined?

A cast of thousands

Phil Baines

The future of type design

Reading the news

Phil Baines

In an-depth pictorial essay Phil Baines examines the ways major UK newspapers, tabloid and broadsheet, presented the events of September 11
Visual systems of life and death

Visual systems of life and death

Paul Kahn

In this appendix to ‘The pandemic that launched a thousand visualisations’, Paul Kahn outlines more of the dynamic visual systems that help our understanding of Covid-19