
The draughtsman’s characters

The draughtsman’s characters

D. B. Dowd

Blechman’s Ink Tank made animations that were subtle, literate and humane
Exposing the menace

Exposing the menace

Rick Poynor

David King’s posters integrated type and image with power and uncompromising political commitment. By Rick Poynor
R. O.’s New Yorkers

R. O.’s New Yorkers

Françoise Mouly, Genevieve Bormes

Blechman celebrated the city’s high days and holidays with wit and concision
Reading books and scrolls and screens

Reading books and scrolls and screens

Anja Neidhardt

Technology continues to change relationships between writers, publications and reading, acting as a catalyst for new publishing models
Of two minds

Of two minds

Aileen Kwun

Staying small, nimble and versatile has enabled Brooklyn-based design partnership Triboro to keep ahead of the pack
Smoke signals from Brazil

Smoke signals from Brazil

Marcos Martins, Zoy Anastassakis

Staff and students are fighting for the survival of Rio de Janeiro’s historic school of design. ESDI’s Zoy Anastassakis and Marcos Martins explain why
Masks and mayhem

Masks and mayhem

Felipe Taborda

João Farkas uncovers a little known side of Brazilian tradition in his vivid photographs of carnival costumes in the city of Maragojipe
We Made This: Technical challenge

We Made This: Technical challenge

Sarah Snaith

Sarah Snaith talks to Briar Levit, director of a new film on the history of graphic design
Firm grasp on a shaky line

Firm grasp on a shaky line

Matt Willey

R.O. Blechman’s career has spanned illustration, graphic design and film-making. His deceptively simple style masks a fierce intellect
The anti-Rockwell

The anti-Rockwell

Steven Heller

Blechman pioneered a less-is-more aesthetic. His scratchy shorthand expresses ideas with a punchy surprise
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