
Reputations: Ian Anderson

Reputations: Ian Anderson

Liz Farrelly

‘When I took a back seat to allow TDR to grow beyond me, it died; its creative spark was crushed . . . the more I took myself out of the equation to see if it could do better without me, the more obvious it became that Ian Anderson and The Designers Republic were inseparable.’

Fair trade?

Mouli G. Marur

Indian advertising has a not-so-hidden message: change your skin colour to get the perfect job or mate

Reputations: Ken Garland

Anne Odling-Smee

‘The Nazis had the most effective corporate identity ever – this should warn us. That evil, horrible regime had this superlative corporate identity in which they didn’t tolerate any diversity.’

Reading On Brand

Terry Eagleton

A fresh look at Wally Olins’s highly regarded branding manual, now in paperback
Crashing through the type

Crashing through the type

Nigel Holmes

Time magazine infographics by Nigel Holmes 1970s
Tangible digital (case studies)

Tangible digital (case studies)

John Ridpath

How can we make the virtual more physical while bringing emotion into the digital domain?
Iguana stew

Iguana stew

Nick Bell

Ko Sliggers conveyed a complex, subtle message with a seemingly effortless collage.
Dot dot rock

Dot dot rock

Zoë Street Howe

Zoë Street Howe on the black art of ‘metal umlauts’
Reputations: Karsten Schmidt

Reputations: Karsten Schmidt

John L. Walters

‘If we don’t take responsibility as makers we sacrifice everything sooner or later. We have the power! The people who create things, who make things work, we have the power. No politician has that.’


Rick Poynor

Metahaven makes visual proposals that suggest a new role for graphic design in public life
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