

Practice and Process

Deborah Littlejohn

In a short time, Eric Olson’s highly focused type foundry has won both peer acclaim and high-profile clients
In the neighbourhood

In the neighbourhood

John Ridpath

John Ridpath profiles three design practices who work with local clients: Maddison Graphic; Mark Gowing Design; and Bigger Than Giants
Roadshows and rickshaws

Roadshows and rickshaws

Steve Hare

Folk images help BBC World Service promote its 21st-century virtues to a rural Indian audience

Visions of Joanna

Mark Thomson

For the first edition of ‘An Essay on Typography’, Eric Gill used his new serif font in the manner of a scribe

The Couch

Will Temple

Abbott Miller’s installation for the Freud Museum in Vienna puts exhibition design theory into practice
Publish and be damned

Publish and be damned

Andrew Billen

As Private Eye celebrates its best sales figures for 25 years, lifelong subscriber Andrew Billen describes its winning mix of gossip, serious exposés, parodies, cartoons and attention-grabbing covers
David Pearson: inside out

David Pearson: inside out

John L. Walters

The man who made series design fashionable (and profitable) at Penguin is also a publisher who relishes the ‘big puzzle’ of books.
The show must  go on

The show must go on

Celia Stothard

Buy a pension or a huge collection of theatrical type? For Celia Stothard and Alan Kitching, the choice was clear.

From object to observer

Abbott Miller

Exhibitions blend the complexities of architectural space with the narrative concerns of book design
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