Brand madness,
Information design,
Visual culture,
Ken Garland
Graphic designers fill the world with a Babel of signs. Is it time we took them away again? By Ken Garland
Susan Morris
‘I think the term “art director” is the greatest misnomer. There’s no art in magazines unless you are reproducing works of art.’
Eye writers
Under the art direction of Harri Peccinotti and David Hillman, Nova redefined the woman’s magazine
Steven Heller
Painting is dead, long live the dustjacket. Alvin Lustig brought modern art into American bookshops
Marco Livingstone
Shinro Ohtake is a master of the artist’s book. His latest is a collaboration with Vaughan Oliver
Rick Poynor
Vaughan Oliver’s collaboration with Shinro Ohtake is an oblique diary of dreams
Robin Richmond, Tim Fendley
Czech matchbox labels form a miniature gallery of Czechoslovakian society under communism
Ethan Edwards
The work of recent Cranbrook graduate Martin Venezky indicates new directions at the accademy
Abbott Miller
Style is addictive, While structure comes from within, generating form from the inside out
Robin Kinross
Eye reassesses the legacy of Edward Wright: designer, teacher, artist and “culture-carrier”