John L. Walters, the editor
There’s nothing like working on a quarterly magazine for giving one an acute sense of…
Agenda / social media,
William Owen
Social media is shifting message-making away from mass media and into the hands of multiple users.
Critique Eye 64,
Rick Poynor
Tyler Brûlé's high-flying monthly promises a cool, global perspective, but its attitudes to consumption are grounded in the 1980s
Jan Middendorp
Andrea Tinnes makes type families — functional or ornamental — that quickly acquire a life of their own
John L. Walters
Look beyond the confines of the Latin alphabet, urges Johannes Bergerhausen of Decodeunicode.
Jason Grant
Australian artist Rosalie Gascoigne turned discarded packaging type into ‘stammering concrete poetry’
Richard Hollis
Whether commercial or political, the work of Theo Ballmer was underpinned by craft, precision and passion
Vici MacDonald
The language of burglar alarm covers reveals a special kind of British grit
Rachel Abrams
After 50 years as a famous face, Helvetica gets to star in its own feature film
John L. Walters
GTF’s Tord Boontje monograph employs structural and decorative devices drawn directly from the product designer’s work
Steve Hare
Folk images help BBC World Service promote its 21st-century virtues to a rural Indian audience
John L. Walters
Five Eye commentators take a stroll along the highways and strip malls of contemporary cyberspace
Luke Pendrell
The hand-made work of Le Gun finds expression through parties, installations, a website and a big ’zine
Margaret Woodward
For ten days in March, the billboards of Hobart were given over to the voices of its inhabitants