Review: Graphic design
In praise of infrastructure: BR’s corporate identity manual is resurrected
The British Rail Corporate Identity Manual was a labour of love for Wallace Henning, a…
Living in the present
You want inspiration? Buy this book! It is as simple as that. Cleverly exploring a…
More than just a gridnik
Wim Crouwel: Modernist is the disingenuously bald title of a richly textured portrait of the…
Design’s ugly truths
I have a shelf full of books preaching sermons clearly addressed towards the choir of…
A single-minded art director
A stone’s throw from the building in Cologne where Twen, Germany’s Zeitgeist magazine of the…
Notes from the American North-West
With a notebook and pencil poking out of the top pocket of his denim work…
Book of the mag of the moment
IL is the monthly supplement of the Italian business newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore. Since…
The ‘bookness’ of books
Hundreds of books about books have been published during the past century. A complete bibliographic…
Industrialised folk art
Alexander Girard ‘brought together what the modern had once separated: craftsmanship and industry, folk art…
Eventure playground
Boooook is the first publication to give a retrospective overview of the life and work…