Review: Reviews


History’s role in the studio

Now in its sixth year, the ‘Modernism and Eclecticism’ symposium organised by Steven Heller in…

Stamps and the public interest

Since Rowland Hill’s introduction of the Penny Black in 1840, the postage stamp has been…

From A-Z but not in that order

Hypermedia is a glorious encapsulation of other media. It has brought video, computing, design, sound…

High thoughts on a self-effacing art

‘To begin with, let us enumerate what is repulsive and therefore wrong.’ Thus opens an…

David Stone Martin

Jazz Graphics by Manek Daver (Graphic-Sha, £27.50) is an encyclopaedic compendium of album covers designed…

Word, image and emotion

Graphic design history is a notoriously tricky subject spanning, as it inevitably has to, a…

The end of an art form?

Is the poster a valid communication medium or a historical object that graphic designers refuse…

Dutch Best Books

During the 1950s and 1960s, the Dutch Best Book Designs review was perhaps the public’s…

A graphiste comes home

Though small, this significant exhibition by the French designer, Philippe Apeloig, whose work is at…

Images and information

Seven years have passed since Edward Tufte wrote The Visual Display of Quantitative Information published by…
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