

A graphiste comes home

Margo Rouard-Snowman

Though small, this significant exhibition by the French designer, Philippe Apeloig, whose work is at…

Reasons to recycle

Julia Thrift

It is an uncomfortable fact, but most of what graphic designers help to create ends up…

Goudy, the good ol’ boy

Matthew Carter

Frederic Goudy (1865-1947) was a long-lived and prolific American type designer, famous in his own lifetime…

Themes and variations

Robin Kinross

The magazine Spirale was published from Bern in nine numbers, including one double issue, between 195…

What’s this history for?

William Owen

The suggestion, by a European interloper, that there was some rancour in the ostensibly anodyne title…

The sound of the sleeves

Cynthia Rose

At the press view for the V&A’s “The Art of Selling Songs”, visitors were regaled by…

A grid for all occasions

Rick Poynor

Lella and Massimo Vignelli design by the grid, but they also live and work by…

The craft of digital type

Andy Benedek

Metal setting is practised today by only a handful of specialists, but it continues to provide…

Design from the margins

Barry Dean

It was probably close to midnight when Gert Dumbar, a key figure in the “America-Holland: Overseas…

When an ad becomes art

Edward Gomez

Admen have long yearned to be taken seriously as artists. Visual artists have long helped to…
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